3rd to 5th of November Wojciech Waleczek together with Acoustic Quartet played a chamber music concerts in the following concert halls in Germany:
3.11 – Schumann-Haus in Zwickau
4.11 – Audimax in Reinfeld
5.11 – Rathaussaal in Laubach
Concerts led by Karolina Waleczek were organized by the Signum Society in cooperation with the local partners and The Polish Institute in Duesseldorf. The project was financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and Orlen Deutschland – owner of the Star mark.
W dniach 3-5 listopada 2017 Wojciech Waleczek wspólnie z Acoustic Quartet wykonali koncerty kameralne w następujących salach koncertowych:
3.11 – Schumann-Haus w Zwickau
4.11 – Audimax w Reinfeld
5.11 – Rathaussal w Laubach